Saturday, November 30, 2019

Θus saiθ UCD: Overcome QWERTY

Time for a terrific labor-saving device: a single letter for θe "th" sound. Wiθ one more letter and one more key, we will have one less key stroke per "θ." Not only θat, θere already exists θe Greek θeta letter which stands for θe "th" sound. Let's rip it off!

And, we could let θ standing alone represent θ word "the."

We have θ capital Θ and θ lower case θ ready to hand.

Universal Copy Desk understands that QWERTY inertia is built into yo lazy ass. But, θ aim is to reach θ Cool Crowd of hackers and tweakers who will gin up θeir keyboards to include θ upper and lower case θeta key. After a while, θere will be an exponential demand for θ as FaceBook and Twitter users go for θ hip new θing.

If θ two theta's above are too similar, we can always use anoθer version: ϑ -- along wiθ Θ.

It should be a snap to add θat key to smartphones, and later laptop and computer keyboards will catch up. Touch typing courses will have to be revised.

Revolution now!

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